I am a Senior Machine Learning Scientist at Genentech, San Francisco, USA.
My machine learning interests revolve around time series, graphs, and geometry with applications in biology and healthcare. My main focus relies on developing robust and interpretable methods that can improve the cooperation between humans and AI. I’m studying this interaction from a computational and philosophical perspective.
Before Genentech, I was a postdoctoral associate at Yale University with Smita Krishnaswamy. I received my PhD with the highest honors at KU Leuven, Belgium, under the supervision of Yves Moreau. In the past, I was also a research scientist at MIT (with David Sontag), University of Toronto (with Rahul Krishnan), and at ETH Zürich (with Karsten Borgwardt). I have received a the 2024 McKinsey prize for the best PhD thesis, two FWO PhD fellowships, and two mobility grant awards.
I have also held appointments at Google X, Microsoft Research, Janssen pharmaceutica, and Nokia.
You can download a full CV here.
Contact: edward.debrouwer [at] gmail [dot] com